Our Ministries
Adopt-a-School Ministry
Adopt-A-School exists to impact the next generation with the love of Jesus Christ by mobilizing our congregation to meet needs in our local school system through supplies, support of school staff, and community service.
Assimilation Ministry
The Assimilation Ministry is oriented toward retaining and restoring new and inactive members of St. Bartley Church. After new members have been a part of our congregation for 90 days, this ministry will ensure that our new members are connecting to the church. It will also reconnect with long-time members of our congregation that have become inactive.
Bartley Bridge
Bartley Bridge is a non-profit organization created in 2019. The BB plants seeds that empower, inspire the community, create exposure, and impact growth and education across all generations. For more info, please visit bartleybridge.org
Big Brick Bakery
The Big Brick Bakery was created in honor of the many bake sales led by St. Bartley members to pay for the church building in the 1960s. The bakery is mobile and provides delicious desserts monthly at MidCity. The profits of the BBB go directly to support the work of The Bartley Bridge.
Christian Education Ministry
The primary functions of the Christian Education Ministry are teaching and making disciples. The CEM creates learning environments conducive to spiritual growth, such as Sunday School, Adult VBS, and Workshops.
Community Relations Ministry
The CRM is responsible for creating, sustaining, and maturing relationships with key stakeholders in the community. The CRM ensures that the Northwoods neighborhood and Love subdivision know that St. Bartley is present and willing to help meet their needs.
Evangelism Ministry
The purpose of the Evangelism Ministry is to equip, empower and recruit members of St. Bartley to become active in evangelism. The Evangelism Ministry will also participate in both relational and spontaneous evangelism.
Family Ministry
St. Bartley's Family Ministry serves as a resource hub for families in need of support, prayer, and guidance. This ministry also leads our Master Life Discipleship Program and facilitates Baptism Orientation for Adults and Baby Dedication Orientation.
Garden Ministry
The Garden Ministry is responsible for planting, growing, and sustaining The Deacon Theodore Franklin Community Garden.
Kitchen Ministry
The Kitchen Ministry is responsible for dinner fellowships and other church-supported activities, functions, and occasions. The ministry coordinates and organizes food and beverages and may be called upon to support and organize food and other items for repast services and other special events.
Health & Wellness Ministry
The Health & Wellness Ministry is a trained group of individuals, responsible for assisting and caring for those who may become ill during weekly services and special events. This ministry will also bring awareness to the overall concept of what it means to live healthily.
Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry is focused on meeting, seating, and greeting members and visitors of St. Bartley Church. The ministry embraces all who enter St. Bartley and helps to cultivate a loving community of believers. Our hospitality ministries are First Impressions Ministry, Greeters, and Ushers.
Media Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the setup, maintenance, coordination, and use of the church’s audio, visual, and streaming used during services and for other special on-and-off-site events. The ministry’s mission is to glorify God by ensuring that Worship and The Word are seen and heard clearly and without distraction within our local church and throughout the world as it is broadcasted or distributed on media with the highest video and audio quality available.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is focused on growing, encouraging, and strengthening men through relationships.
Music Ministry
The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, and lead the congregation in worship. Our music ministries are the Praise Choir, Brotherhood Choir, and the Children and Youth Choir.
Need’s Ministry
The Needs Ministry is the driving force of community service in our congregation. This ministry feeds the homeless, clothes those in need, and supports the families of the incarcerated.
Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry is committed to connecting people to Christ through prayer. The ministry also visits the sick, intercedes for those in need, and participates in leading our nightly prayer call.
Senior’s Ministry
Our Senior's Ministry is focused on gathering, encouraging, and empowering the seasoned saints of St. Bartley Church.
Student Ministries (Embrace Youth Ministries)
Student Ministries aids children and youth in their journey to becoming disciples of Christ through lessons and activities during the Morning Worship Service, Tuesday Night Small Groups, and Children's Church.
Women’s Ministry
The mission of the Women’s Ministry is to connect women to Jesus Christ and each other in unity, and to reach up, reach in and reach out to the community. They are committed to serving God through outreach, social events, and studying the Word of God.
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry is a ministry geared towards ages 19-40. The foundation of the ministry focuses on building relationships, growing and developing spiritually, and serving, supporting, and embracing the community of Young Adults of St. Bartley.